New Verti-drain machine

Father Christmas has come early for the greenkeeping staff at Chesham & Ley Hill Golf Club with the purchase of a Verti-Drain machine.
As with many golf courses C&LH GC has suffered this year due to the exceptionally dry summer followed by an exceptionally wet autumn. The Verti-Drain can penetrate the soil to up to 250mm to reduce soil compaction and improve soil drainage. Verti-draining together with the mini corer, top dressing and over seeding will start immediately to improve the condition of the course for winter golf. The schedule of works will be repeated monthly to significantly improve course drainage. The priority will be the greens, tee boxes and approaches to the greens but the plan is to also Verti-Drain the fairways when weather permits.
Our aim is have the course looking at its best condition ever by the start of next years golfing season in the spring. Les Kimber head of the Course & Greens team at C&LH GC said “this new Verti- Drainer will make a real difference to the course in the short and longer term, it’s great that the club are committed to investing to improve the course for the members and the locals who visit the golf club”.